Free Download Twilight Blue light filter v14.5 build 551 | Android | 13.41 MB
Pro version
Are you having troubles to fall asleep? Are your kids hyperactive when playing with the tablet before bed time?
Get more from Twilight
– Bed reading: Twilight is more pleasant on the eyes for night reading.
Especially as it is able to lower the screen backlight far below the ability of the backligt controls on your screen
– AMOLED screens: We have tested Twilight on an AMOLED screen for 2.5 years without any sign of depletion or over-burning. If properly configured Twilight causes less light emission (by enabling dimming) with more equal light distribution (dark areas of the screen such as the status bar get tinted). This may in fact increase your AMOLED screen life time.
– Targeting Android 15
– Edge to edge support
– Fix for scrolling to last option and large DPI settings
– New libraries
System Requirements:
Requirements: Android 5.0+
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